
Japanesque Schedule

Added on by the ikebana shop.

September 27-28 is the weekend mini-festival of Japanese culture to be held at St. Mary's University in Halifax NS.

September 27th (Saturday) is movie night at the McNally Theatre.  Entrance is free!   Two Japanese movies will be shown:

6:00 p.m.  歓待 Kantai (Hospitalité) , 2010, 96 min, comedy.

Tokyo is bigger and different from what people often think. Some neighbourhoods are like forgotten villages. One of these is home to a hard-working family with a small printing business. A man arrives who will not leave. The unease of hospitality. Xenophobia exists in Japan too. As does humour.

8:00 p.m. ツナグ Tsunagu (Until The Break Of Dawn), 2012, 129 min, drama.


For a trailer with English subtitles, please click here. (Sorry, we could not embed the video in the blog post.)


September 28th (Sunday) is a day of cultural presentations including tea ceremony, bugaku performance (court dance & music), kyudo (Japanese archery), taiko (drums), calligraphy, washi (Japanese paper), incense, and of course, ikebana!  Entrance is free.  Venue is also the McNally Theatre.

We will be doing the ikebana part.  :-)  Hope to see you there! 

The Japanesque event is co-organized by St. Mary's University and the Consulate General of Japan at Montreal, with the support of The Japan Foundation.