Every year the St. Mary’s University community shares its creativity through the annual FASS (Faculty, Alumni, Student, Staff) exhibits at the St. Mary’s University Art Gallery.
In collaboration with Dr. Linda Campbell, professor at the Department of Environmental Science, we had the chance to present ikebana at the 2019 FASS exhibit. Linda has been learning ikebana with Miyako since 2016. She had missed participating in our most recent exhibit at the Keshen Goodman Library last May; so, it was quite opportune that SMU Art Gallery was able to allocate space for ikebana.
Arrangement by Miyako.
The ikebana portion of FASS 2019 ran from Dec 3rd to 7th, 2019.
Arrangements by Dr. Linda Campbell.
….and a fun selfie of the people behind the works: Miyako and Linda.
Last but certainly not least, a big thank-you to Robin Metcalfe, director/curator and Adam Myatt for your kind assistance and patience to make this possible!