We have Japanese fabric. We have a sewing machine. We have time.
So we made face masks!
These are cloth masks hand-made with cotton fabric from Japan. They are not N95 or surgical/medical-grade masks. Please use in tandem with continued physical distancing and frequent & proper hand-washing.
The Proper Way To Wear A Face Mask
The proper way to put on a mask is with the pleats facing down. If the pleats are facing up, they become like pockets and will collect stuff you don't like rather than letting them flow down. So remember, pleats must face down!
The Proper Way To Handle Face Masks
The area in front of your nose and mouth is potentially contaminated. Once the mask is on your face, you must assume it is contaminated already. Touching the mask and then touching other things (including your face) increases risk of transmission. If a used mask is placed on any surface, then that surface needs to be cleaned.
While wearing the mask… Do not touch the mask.
When removing the mask…Touch only the sides or the straps and take off while moving away from your face.
After removing the mask…Do not put on any surface. Put directly in washer and wash with detergent.
Are Cloth Masks Effective? (Added on Apr 6, 2020)
Cloth masks are not N95 or surgical masks. They do not provide adequate protection to the wearer against incoming virus. They are not meant to replace proper physical distancing and hand-washing. We have to be very clear about this.
There is a danger of the cloth mask giving the wearer a false sense of security, which could lead them to abandon/ignore physical distancing and good hygiene. This should not happen.
Cloth masks hardly protects the wearer but rather protects the people around the wearer. The mask provides a barrier to contain droplets (from speaking, coughing, sneezing) coming from the wearer and prevents potential transmission from wearer to others.
“A non-medical mask can reduce the chance of your respiratory droplets coming into contact with others or landing on surfaces….The science is not certain but we need to do everything that we can and it seems a sensible thing to do.”
From CBC News (posted Apr 6, 2020)
Canada’s top doctor says non-medical masks can help stop the spread of COVID-19
So in an ideal situation, everyone in the community wears a mask when they go out, thus protecting each other from transmission. The cloth mask is an extra layer of protection for the community. Physical distancing and frequent/proper hand-washing should be continued, mask or no mask.
“Let’s put on a mask!” Illustration by @hidekiccan (from Twitter)
Our masks are 5.00 CAD each. We are selling them basically at cost. It is our way of helping our community. They can be purchased from our online shop (while supply lasts!). Take care, stay safe. We are all in this together.